Our Team
Jaya Bottaro
Jaya Bottaro is the new co-director of the Living Wisdom School. She is a certified Education for Life teacher who has been living at Ananda Village for almost 10 years.
Originally from Buenos Aires, Jaya has a natural love for children and currently leads teacher training for Education for Life International, sharing the principles with aspiring educators in the Spanish speaking world.
Joy Horsfall
Co-Director, Preschool Director and Teacher
Joy lives up to her name and can be found guiding the youngest members of our campus with her namesake quality daily.
Joy is certified in Education for Life, Early Childhood Development, and earned a Masters in Social Work. She keeps her classroom chalk full of creativity, play, and care. She happens to also be a fabulous baker, so watch our for her cookies and cakes at Masters Market!
Narani Moorhouse
Teacher and Early Childhood Education Director
Named Teacher of the Year in Nevada County in 2020 to honor her 40th year of service, Narani is a cherished faculty member.
She brings her boundless compassion, meticulous care, and treasure trove of wisdom to our whole school family. She specializes in the lower grades and has taught three generations of students to read!
Matthew Fredrickson
Matthew is our newest faculty member, hailing from the Living Wisdom School in Portland, Oregon.
Matthew is already beloved by his students for his kindness, enthusiasm for learning, and his ability to relate to each individual student. Matthew has a BA from Ananda College in Education.